How to find and fix what is dragging you down
Energize your life
How to find and fix what is dragging you down
Dr. Robin Davies, DMD, CFNC
Below you will find links to forms, handouts and videos mentioned in Energize Your Life. How to find and fix what is dragging you down.
FODMAPs are carbohydrates that are difficult for the small intestine to absorb. They're found in many foods and food additives. The acronym FODMAP stands for:
F: Fermentable
O: Oligosaccharides
D: Disaccharides
M: Monosaccharides
P: Polyols
In her book, Robin talks about gluten sensitivities and the fact that they affect ALL people to varying degrees. This list can help you ferret out where gluten may be hiding in your life so that you can try eliminating it to see how much better you feel without it.
In functional nutrition there are three non-negotiables:
Sleep, blood sugar balance and regular bowel movements. The best way to get a handle on those three is by tracking them, which is where this journal comes in handy.